Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Love My Kids

I know That Every Mother has held their new born baby and gazed in thier precious little face and took in the beauty of their existance and at times pictured what will their lives turn out to be like. We all have high hopes for our children. We plan schooling, activities and our Church attendance to form and shape our children by laying good solid foundations in their young lives. They grow, and even though they are not perfect, we love them. In fact our hearts tear and suffer pain when one of our children messes up or fails, not in disappointment of them but for them. We desire for them to live a life free of pain, disappointments, and condemnation. But are we setting them up for failure? WE must allow them to experience all emotions with us monitoring and guiding them through each difficult event. Why? So that they will learn how to combat and handle difficult times. God does the same with us, trials and tragedies, as hard as it is for God to watch us go through it, He does, cheering us on, supporting us, helping us through so that we can grow with wisdom and strength. It's hard as a parent seeing our teenagers face such difficult things in their young lives, having to make more difficult decisions than sometimes we have to make. They are faced with so many obstacles and challenges so young. And too many adults are quick to judge and condemn, not knowing a whole situation, sometimes distroying what little faith they have left. Teens want to be trusted, they want to make their parents proud of them, they want to be accepted. Think about it, we want the same thing with our peers and even with God. God looks at us with Love, complete love, because not only does He sees me where I am, He sees the me I am going to be as He completes the GOOD Work in Me, Until He returns. Hug your teenager today and if you have babies, soak in as much time as you can, because 18 years goes by quicker than you think. Love Your Kids perfect or not! I sure Love Mine imperfections and all! And I am so proud of their precious hearts and who they are and who they are going to be as God works His Good work in them, just as He has done and is doing in me!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


My sister once told me of a Bible Study her ladies group at church had, teaching that a wife sets the harmony for the home! What responsibility that places on the woman of the home, if she is the only one trying to harmonize. She can burn out so quickly!! I know, Here I am. Weary, tired and burn out again. Each day I have to pray and ASk God to renew my strength and I find myself hearing what My sister said all those years ago. Oh, I dont disagree with her, I do believe that a Wife sets the mood in the home because she is responsible for so many things in and of the home and family. BUT, I also believe that the other members of the family has a responsibilty to contribute to that harmonizing, come on now. Think, in a band, if only the guitar is in tune, and every other instrument is out of tune, it's horrible!! The Screeches, the out of pitch notes and off beat drummer creates the most annoying and frustrating sounds that can send one jumping off the nearest cliff!! So what is the secret of create a harmonized home, well, selfless sacrifice of each member involved in the family. Each one must set aside his or her own selfish desires to contribute to a common generousity and compassion within the family. All live in the same refuge, all run to this refuge at the end of the day for comfort and rest, so all must take ownership of this refuge of creating a harmonized environment where all can reside in peace and harmony. See, if the responsibility is all placed on MOM in the home, everyone sits around waiting to waited on, waiting on their clothes to dry and be folded, on their food to be delivered to them on time HOT, oh but not too hot and you find one drained out sad mom who wishes her refuge was somewhere else. Harmonizing your refuge requires the efforts of all who dwell within that refuge, or isn't it a refuge any longer. It becomes a Lions' den of agony. Train them up young and they will not depart from it, and make sure that when they grow up, they are reminded of the those statues that were set into place years ago when your refuge was established, or remind them, theres a wonderful road outside that will lead you to your own refuge to build.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Love One Another"

Jesus said over and over, "Love One another" it wasn't a suggestion it was a Commandment. Love motivates us to be kind to each other and to be concerned for each other's wellbeing. Love is not selfish. Love is not bitter. Jesus first loved me and you, before we even knew Him. He died for us on a cross for our sins and iniquities. Jesus said "Love the sinner, not the sin." So with that, I would say Jesus was the first one to speak against Bullying. He laid the foundation of love. To share His love. He knows our weakness and still loves us. He knows our hearts and still Loves us. So we are to share that love with others. Others mean People! All People. Everyone has a heart, has a mind filled with dreams of good things. Poor choices and circumstances lead people to do drastic things. And you know, I have failed many times, I have fallen, I have sinned, Yet, My Jesus was there with His love, Loving me and picking me back up and dusting me off, and setting my feet back on the path. My Jesus, tells me His mercies are new everyday. So let us love as Jesus Loved. He loved sinners, this is why He bore the pain of the Cross for all. His Love for us. Imagine, if all people knew how much Christ Loves them. His Love can change lives and the World. Love others. Be kind to others. Care for others as Christ has cared for you. Let us teach others to Love as Christ has Loved us. If they never receive that love of Christ, then that's their choice but at least we know that we extended His Love to others.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

This Too Shall Pass

Many childhood memories come to mind and many saying My Mom use to tell us. But lately, I have been hearing one of Mom's favorites quotes, "This Too Shall Pass." She said it often when difficult times would occur. When I was little, and I would cut my foot or stepped on a nail, and I cried, She would hold me and tell me "This too shall pass." And it did! Then When I was a teenager and my heart was broken and I cried, she held me and talked to me, then told me, "This too shall pass." and it did!! When I was married and our kids were little, times were tough, and we were sick, Moma told me again, "This too shall pass." You know each level as the the trials intesified, Mom's advice seem to fit. Even though in the midst of the trial, her words didn't seem to comfort me all that much, but I knew she was right. Now as I face more difficult trials in life, and there are days where Peace is such a Valuable Commodity, I find myself repeating her words to comfort my hurting heart, "This Too Shall pass." Because now I understand in stating this short quote, I am professing Hope for my situation! Just as a rain storm moves into our city and pours out all it has to dump on us in a small time, then the storm moves on. Leaving behind many small droplets of shining lil pieces of evidence that the storm has passed. And then there is peace. So no matter what you are going through today, know that Our God says He will never leave you nor forsake you and know that This Too shall pass and there will be Peace.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Treasures of Life

Jesus said that we will be known for our love for one another. His unconditional Love that draws us to the Father and draws us in Faith into a confident relationship with God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son. This love bares all things, this love motivates us to serve Him with a renewed passion daily and to
share His love with others. Jesus spoke over and over again about relationships throughout the New Testament from the Prodigal Son, to Lazarus, Mary and Martha, to addressing His mother at the wedding and so many parables where Jesus is laying the foundation of Love! Even before and after Peter denied Him, Jesus refered to Peter as His brother and one He loved. Jesus Knew Peter would sin against Him, yet He let Him stay at the feast of the Last supper, and then after Jesus rose from the dead and spent days with the apostles, He asked and Told Peter, "Peter do you Love me? Then Feed my sheep." Encouraging Peter to Press On in Faith extending His love to others. Christ saw Peter's heart. Christ could of casted Peter out of His presence, but He didn't, Jesus Christ saw the potential of His Love manifested and working through Peter, and Wow! Look at the ministry for Christ, that Love motivated Him to accomplish even to His death he proclaimed the Love of Christ. So, today, as I look at my life, and around me, I Thank GOD for His Amazing Love, His Love drew me from the depths of sin, into His Loving Grace and Salvation. And His Love has drawn some of the best loving friends in my life bringing Joy and reminding me constantly of the Hope we have in Christ, encouraging each other in love and God's Peace. Witnessing God at work around us brings us so much Hope for our future. And Hearing How God is bringing others through difficult situations brings me JOY in knowing, that what He is doing for others and He can and will do for me. He will complete the GOOD Work in me until the Day of Christ Jesus! [Phil.1:6] I so Thank God that He has placed loving caring Christian Ladies in my life that are real with me and I can be real with, and share our disappointments, our hurts, and most importantly our Praise Reports when God answers our prayers or moves mountains like Only His Love Can! Thank You Lord, for my friends who I call Treasures of Love!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Motivated by Love

I wash and clean, not because its my job but because I love you.
I prepare and cook a hot meal for you not because I am hungry, but because I love you.
I manage things in our home so that you are able to do the things you have chosen to do and go where you need to go, because I love you.
I forget about the things I would like to have and
get what you have asked for, because I love you. I put aside money and save so that we can give you the things you think you need in this life, while knowing its only to bless you with something you would like to have.
I watch you grow up, sometimes make mistakes even though you didn't heed the warnings,I watch you grow and learn from those mistakes, often wishing I could carry the burden for you, but knowing in order for you to learn you must experience the consequences, because I love you. I used to rock you to asleep after a long day of cleaning house, fixing supper, washing and folding clothes, tending to everyones needs, all because I loved you. My heart holds so much love for you, my child, more than you could ever know, well until you hold your child in your arms one day. Then you will understand how everyday Daddy and I were motivated by our love for you, to get up early to go to work, to clean house, to organize life in an orderly way so that you may be comfortable. Why? Because we see how Christ was motivated by His love for us, in order that we may have a more abundant life. So my prayer for you today is that you understand Christ's Love for You, and how His Love can motivate our hearts to serve each other in Love. Please My child,rest assure and know I love you.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey of turns, obstacles, dead ends and sometimes U-turns! Even change-overs. Most importantly Yield Each day to Jesus Christ!